A Dose of Los

Ridiculous ramblings and unamusing anecdotes.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Look at me! I'm good at blogging!

There's a lot of things I'm bad at. I won't go into all of them, 'cause it's a metric ass load. But I figured, "I can write a blog. I can certainly update more often than _____ does."
Well, you know what? I can't. I just seem to get distracted by other... Oooohhh... Shiny!
So, this weekend, I "organized" a little bicycle soiree called the Spring SoCal Single Speed Summit. There were bike rides, there was beer, there was cross dressing. You know, the general good time had by all.
Not really sure exactly how many attendees we had, but there was probably 20ish, all in all. I had to work on Saturday (Yyyyyyeah...Peter... we're gonna need you to come in on... Saaaturday...) so I missed out on the group ride on the infamous Noble Canyon. Because of my absence, bloodshed was kept to a minimum. Brain cells, however, were not so lucky.
TD brought up some Arrogant Bastard Ale, in the handy keg. Many poor, innocent brain cells were sacrificed.
Stuff was given away, beer was quaffed, marshmallows were brutally held over the fire then unceremoniously smashed betwixt two pieces of graham cracker, accompanied only by half a chocolate bar.
Did I mention the cross dressing? I'll post pictures later. Now, I'm not talking about the kilts myself and Erik were wearing. No, I mean a short skirt and girlie-T.
So there's your pictures. Can you find me? Hope no one reading this is stalking me...
There were campfire discussions about bikes (of course) and bike racing (of course, again.) There were discussions on Tweedle-Dumb's ficticious war, and the subsequent fear tactics driving the imminent rape of the Alaska Nat'l Wildlife Refuge. There was a lot of penile innuendo. We even talked about Wil Wheaton's blog.
It was great. Imagine getting a bunch of people together, most of whom you only know through an online forum, and no one wore a fuzzy bear costume. Everyone had fun, no one got seriously injured, and I haven't heard from the police yet, so I'd say it was a success.
Tired. Very tired. Going to be better about updates. Hey, at least I don't get maudlin about cats.



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