A Dose of Los

Ridiculous ramblings and unamusing anecdotes.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Just a short one...

Not much time today. This is my wife's birthday week, and something always goes wrong on her birthday week. Last year, we got broken into. This year? Our faithful dog Zeke got sprayed by a skunk. On D's birthday. Suck ass.
Poor guy got it right in the kisser, down the throat even. After chasing the freaked out dog down the street, having him roll uncontrollably in the dirt, and generally having a great time, we washed him off with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Note- if you (or your dog) should ever catch the business end of a skunk, this mixture actually works. The guys on MythBusters even said so!
Then, when we were done washing the mud and funk off of him, and crawled exhausted into bed at 1 a.m., I hear him yacking. Calling the Buick. Technicolor yodel.
Well, this is how I found out he'd swallowed a bunch of skunk juice. His puke was all kibble and skunk spray. Not pleasant.
Anyway, we're finally going out for D's b-day. Poor girl just can't catch a break!

Audi 5k, Gs.



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