A Dose of Los

Ridiculous ramblings and unamusing anecdotes.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Jeez, nothin' like a 3 week break...

Does anyone read this anymore? I doubt a person could have the patience to come back here at all.
So there's a move happening. D and I are packing our stuff and moving to Texas in 2 weeks. And that's why I haven't been updating the blog. Really!
Trying to find a rental house 1500 miles away is, well, trying. To top it off, our credit sucks. Challenging is one way of putting it. Another, more accurate, way would be damn near impossible. Oh well, we can always live in the car...
One of my favorite bike journalists just got a new job.
Mike Ferrentino is the new Editor-in-Chief of Bike magazine. Which is really cool, 'cause I'm getting a little tired of the non-stop onslaught of "freeride" crap.
Moving onto the bike front, I just put the On-One Midge bar on my Cross-Check. Verrrry nice. I used to have a WTB Dirt Drop on there, but I couldn't resist the retarded prices people were paying for these on e-Bay. The Midge is actually nicer, in my opinion. Less drop and reach than the WTB, wider tops, and the flare is further into the drops, so the brake hoods are actually useable.
Highly recommended.
Off to work, more later.


Friday, June 03, 2005

Keeps gettin' better...

Now Zeke's got a cone (E-collar) and both ears taped down. Yup, he's really excited about that.
Had a good ride with the Thursday Night Adam's Ave. Drinking Club last night. We rode Los Penasquitos, no major crashes, and everyone had a smile on their faces at the end.
This place is ideal for a singlespeed night ride. We stayed down at the bottom of the canyon, so no big climbs, and the pace stayed pretty high. I went down fairly hard after my rear wheel slid into a rut at high speed. Slammed the hip, banged up my wrist, but somehow I think I'll survive.
The big move is happening in a month and 2 days. Shit. Don't feel prepared. Maybe we need to have a big throw-down before leaving?
